Thursday, October 29, 2009

What is Christianity?

"All things must be fulfilled which are written in the law of Moses and in the prophets, and in the Psalms concerning me," said by Jesus in Luke 24:4. There are so many different religions that have come about in this world. All of them have differences and most of them
have similarities. I chose to write about Christianity because it has a lot of different beliefs and a lot of different people believe in this religion.
Founder and Followers
To being with, the founder of Christianity was Jesus of Nazareth. He founded this religion in A.D 33 in Palestine. Today Christianity has more then two billion followers. They are mainly in Europe, North America and South America. Christianity is the largest religion followed today. There are many different types of beliefs and practices, but they all sum up to Jesus Christ. Some of the different dominations are Baptist, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Adventist and Eastern Orthodox, etc.
Sacred Texts
Secondly, the Christians read one main text, and that is known as the Bible. The Bible is made up of two different books or sections. These are called the Old Testament and the New Testament. The word testament means "covenant." The Old Testament is known as relevant. The Old Testament enforces diverse materials, teachings of wise men, instructions of priests and ancient records of royal courts. In the New Testament there are twenty-seven different books, or texts. These were written in Greek at first and is mainly a narration of the first century of Christianity. These books end with the book Revelation, where the immediate end of the world is predicted. Although, these two texts are both in the Bible, not everyone agrees on what is told in the Old Testament, to what is told in the New Testament.
Religious Holidays
Also, there are many religious holidays that the Christians follow. For example, some popular holidays are Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Palm Sunday, St. Patrick's Day, Twelfth Night, Advent, and Ash Wednesday. Christians celebrate Easter, because it is considered as the resurrection of Christ. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Palm sunday is the sixth day of lent, and on every Sunday in the Christian Religion it's known as the "Lord Day." On these Sundays you would go to Church and listen to your priest. Last, Advent is the beginning of the Church year and Lent is a forty day period of fasting. Every religion has different holidays, and they celebrate them all in different ways.
Rituals and Customs
Next, Christians just have a few rituals and customs they have to follow. Every Sunday they attend a worship service with a crowd of people. Also, when you are a Christian they recommend that you get Baptized when you are born or at anytime you can. When you are Baptized they either make you kneel, stand or sit in water, or they could just pour the water on your forehead. The Christians believe that when you are Baptized Jesus Christ provides the forgiveness of all your sins, and the gift of the Holy Spirit. No, they do not believe that by being Baptized you automatically go to Heaven, but they do believe that it will help you. Sacramentals are also a custom of this religion. Sacramentals are believed that they help you grow in faith and in turn increase our faith for the sacraments. Just like holidays, every religions have different rituals and customs.
Particular Dress and Christian Hierarchy
Last, in the Christian faith you don't have an actual "dress code." Your priest on Sundays will probably be wearing a long robe, over a black suit with a white collar. When you go to Church you should dress as best as you can. In different Religions they have a Hierarchy. For example in Christianity the Catholic Hierarchy is the Pope at the top, then the Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and last is the Deacon. Every single religion has a different Hierarchy, or at least most of it is different.

As you can see, Christianity is a very wide-world known religion and has a lot of interesting parts to it. Christianity has been around for quite awhile and most likely will be for a long time. If you would like to learn even more about Christianity you can click here.